Santa Barbara Adventure Co.

Top 5 Experience Gift Ideas in Santa Barbara

santa barbara vineyard

Holiday shopping – always an adventure, isn’t it? We want to make sure we’re giving memorable and unique gifts that our friends and family are going to love. Gift cards to stores and cash seem impersonal and there’s usually at least one person who just seems to have everything and is impossible to shop for. Gifting an experience is a way to provide the people you love with memories to last a lifetime! The Santa Barbara Adventure team did a little think tank to come up with a great list of experience gift ideas this holiday season:

1. Kayaking in Channel Islands National Park

For the outdoor enthusiasts, a little adventure would be right up their alley! We have the Channel Islands National Park in our backyard. A visit to either Prisoner’s Harbor or Scorpion Anchorage will leave you mesmerized. Our Adventure Sea Cave kayaking tour meets daily at Scorpion Anchorage on Santa Cruz Island from December 21st-January 5th. Our Prisoners Harbor Kayak Tour is available on most other dates year-round. Kayaking the Channel Islands National Park is a fun and exciting way to explore a different side of the park.

2. Go Biking As A Family

Check out this great list of  9 Popular Bike Trails in Santa Barbara to enjoy with your family and friends! Our favorite route is biking from Leadbetter Beach to Butterfly Beach along the waterfront.

Our Mountains to Shore bike tour offers incredible views of the area as you bike down Gibraltar Mountain alongside one of our guides. We stop often to share natural history & interpretation of everything you are seeing.

Or…if everyone in your family is over 21 come bike the Santa Ynez Valley with us on our Wine Country Bike Tour.

3. A Wine Tour

Tired of giving wine enthusiasts a bottle of your favorite? Let Santa Barbara Wine Country Tours take the wheel and send them on a wine tour to the beautiful Santa Ynez Valley, Napa’s So-Cal sister, to pick out some new favorites of their own. Enjoy three wine tastings and a gourmet lunch while learning about what makes our wine region so unique.

4. Membership to a Local Museum

A great family friendly experience is a year-long membership to the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, which also includes entrance to the Sea Center on Stearn’s Wharf and more than 330 other museums and science centers worldwide. An excellent gift for folks who have a passion for the natural world, from planets to intertidal wonders and everything in between.

5. A Gift Certificate for any outdoor activity!

If you’re itching to give an adventure but don’t want to limit the options, a Santa Barbara Adventure Company gift certificate that lets your loved ones decide themselves is a great choice! From surf and SUP options, to kayaking and bike tours, there is undoubtedly a perfect match to pick from.

What are some of your favorite gifts to give? Let us know!

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