Book a day of Sea Cave Kayaking July 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th and enjoy camping in Channel Islands National Park on us! Come explore the sea caves with us, but don’t go home. Stay the night and enjoy a 2nd day of island life! Go on a self-guided hike, do some tide pooling or just relax and watch amazing marine life. Kayaking guests can enjoy a night of camping in our Scorpion Ranch group site. This is a fun way to meet new friends while enjoying an amazing outdoor experience.
Cost: $188 per person. (includes camper transportation fees) Trip includes: Authorized concessionaire boat transportation, double kayak, Channel Islands kayaking gear (paddle jackets, helmets and wetsuits as necessary), knowledgeable guides, kayaking lesson, natural history and marine ecology. Single kayaks are provided at an additional charge of $15 per kayak. Camping space 1 night in Channel Islands group site.
Camping space available the nights of 7/2, 7/3 and 7/4 only. Space in limited and subject to availability. There are no rain checks for this offer. SBACo will NOT provide any camping equipment, kitchens, tents or food. Channel Islands National Park is a remote destination, plan accordingly.
Please call our office direct to take advantage of this offer. If you Book Online please tell us what night you would like to camp in the comment section of your reservation and we will call you to confirm your camping spots. 805-884-WAVE or email us at
Want to learn more about Channel Islands Camping? Download our Channel Islands Camping Information Sheet (please note: Camp kitchens are NOT provided for the Forth of July Special. Tents can be provided at a charge of $10 per night. Guests will be staying in the group camping area which is about 1 mile from the boat dock.)

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